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My Work Experience at Signal film and Media

My name is Phoebe Carr and I am from Ulverston Victoria High School. I chose to come here for my work experience because I am very passionate about film and I would love to work in the industry when I am older. I thought this would be the perfect introduction to the sort of atmosphere I would be working in and give me a taste of what it would be like if I did pursue this as a career.

My week:

My first day was probably my favourite as after I had watched some of the films previously produced here, I got to edit some footage with Jon (the technician) which I very much enjoyed. It was the first time I had done anything like that and although he had warned me it might be a bit boring, I loved it! I thought it was really interesting to learn how it was done and I would definitely want to do it again.

On Tuesday, I made some phone calls advertising, and helped prepare for our free dementia friendly cinema screening of ‘Singin’ In The Rain’ and gathered some statistics in preparation for International Women’s Day social media posts. I was nervous at first to make the phone calls but in the end it was fine.

Wednesday was all about the cinema screening; in the morning I painted a sign advertising it, and in the afternoon I helped pour teas and coffees for the viewers. I did also get to watch Singin’ In The Rain which was an added bonus!

On my fourth day, it was International Women’s Day. So I collected the statistics about women in film that I had prepared earlier on and scheduled some posts to come out on Twitter and Facebook later in the day showing these figures. It was quite astonishing and thought provoking to see the inequality between genders that still exists in the world today.

On my last day I watched ‘My Life As A Courgette’ with a group from Roose School – it was a vey funny but yet quite interesting animated film that addressed a lot of concerns for children today.

Overall, my time at Signal Film And Media has been very enjoyable and I have felt very welcome. It was an insight, not just into the reality of film production but also into so much more. It has surpassed my expectations and I am very glad that I chose to come here.